Resistance Stretching Sessions

Who is Resistance Stretching for:
Whether you are an average Joe, a stay-at-home wife, a mom, an athlete, an executive or a senior, Resistance Stretching is what you need to be pain-free and move effortlessly in your body.

What is involved in each session:
In each mobility session you will either be in a prone or supine on a table, seated or in a standing position. You will be guided through each step, while actively participating using resistance. You will always be in complete control with each step. I make recommendations that come from 10 years of education, practice and skill. Together we create the needed situation for your body to heal itself, I am not “healing” you.

Assessment and Planning:
We initially begin with a 1–2-hour conversation to learn your history, hear your symptoms, needs and concerns. I will actively listen to gain full understanding of what you are going through. This will be a different experience from what often takes place with a majority doctors who tell you it is either all in your head or it’s just your age and pain is part of being aging.

The Process:
Sessions begin with movement screens to identify where and how the body is in compensation due to excessive muscular & fascial tightness. These findings are combined with your symptoms to create an action plan for the session. Post session, the movement screens are repeated to confirm improved pain-free movement ability (i.e. range of motion).

Most of each session is Resistance Stretching and RPR. The use of all my techniques makes a very comprehensive approach ensuring that you will always feel better after each session.

Proper breathing techniques are instructed at the beginning of the session to ensure your ability to maintain control of the CNS, decrease any anxiety, and further increase the results.

At the session’s end, I will offer & instruct on suggestions for Self-Resistance-Stretching that you can do on your own between your sessions at New Found Strength.

History of Resistance-Stretching:
Resistance-Stretching is a little-known technique perfected 35+ years ago by Bob Cooley and his complete style is called Resistance Flexibility & Strengthening Techniques, RFST. It is taught at the schools of, “The Genius of Flexibility”. RFST is the world’s most efficient stretching system because it is exactly how your body desires to be stretched. This form of stretching is the only natural way to stretch and experience true healing! Million-dollar athletes hire Bob Cooley to either stay or get back to the top of their game.

Where the magic happens:
Resistance-Stretching movements engage just the desired fascia & muscles and then release them, while removing excessive dense and restrictive fascia. During the prolonged resistance phase of these movements, your body signals the release of an enzyme that regenerates new optimized tissue.

Results to expect:
Resistance-Stretching is even more efficient and effective than PNF stretching, Yoga, and all known and commonly taught styles of stretching. Very often, one week to one month of sessions yields more results for people with severe dysfunctional movement and or pain than does one to six months of Physical Therapy, The Stretch-Lab, Stretch-U, or Yoga classes. It’s important to know that what most of the world is calling resistance stretching with bands is only an assisted exercise, it is NOT the same thing at all!

When you watch the testimonial videos and read the stories of hundreds of others who have had life-changing results, you learn that the results people receive are greater than what “western medicine” can provide. Resistance-Stretching does not treat the symptoms, it reveals the root of the problem so that your body is able to heal. No massage franchise can even begin to compare.

Resistance-Stretching from The Genius of Flexibility also works through the energy meridian channels that you are familiar with from acupuncture. In fact, the discoveries found within this system have made advancements on TCM which is thousands of years old. So, if you have a weakened immune system, there is an energy meridian that will target and improve that system!

Monthly Group Classes:
Additionally, the twice monthly, 90-minute group Mobility-Class is another recommendation for anyone who hasn’t mastered their own flexibility and mobility. This class given at New Found Strength, Fitness & Nutrition Studio teaches you how to be self-sufficient and not rely on others. However, if you prefer I also offer 1-on-1 assistance, I am happy to help you.

Learn More:
Much more information can be found on Bob Cooley’s website, Currently, I am the only person south of L.A. that offers this stretching technique.

You can easily find similar services, RFST, for $250 – $1250/session by teams of different practitioners in Santa Barbara/Boston.


At New Found Strength (NFS), the goal is simple:
Improve people’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual quality of life so they can,
“Be Healthy, Be Happy”. That’s the motto, “Be Healthy, Be Happy”.

Let’s partner for a healthier, happier you:
I invite you to partner with me and begin the journey to improving your everyday life through Resistance-Stretching for flexibility and mobility. Everyone knows that they should do some stretching regularly, but few take the time, have the energy, discipline, or any idea of what to do. Some have tried, but they are already so tight their own attempts are painful, so they give up.

I’m here to help people, that’s my purpose in this world. I’ve learned that when I help people, it’s helps me to grow and evolve into the best version of myself.

Session benefits:
I offer 60, 90, or 120 minute sessions with extremely reasonable pricing. The sessions are always very safe and productive. The typical comment from a person post session is, “My legs/arms feel lighter, I’m moving easier”. “I feel like I worked out a little but yet I’m more connected to my body than I ever have been”. “My pain is gone”.
I highly recommend the 90 minute session over the 60 minute session, once you have had very first session. The longer session greatly adds to the results that can be achieved.

Everyone benefits from these sessions; my clients range from athletic teens to regular moms/dads, to weightlifters, to professional athletes, Olympians, NPC body competitors, and seniors in their 90’s.

On many occasions, a person walks or limps in with neck spasms or neck pain, knee pain, lower back pain and 90 minutes later, they are comfortably walking out with a smile of relief. Additionally, the are now equipped with self-corrective techniques to use if they have a problem in the future.

The desired effect is to gain more flexibility and increased mobility under a load (life is under a load); to teach the brain how to efficiently fire, direct and control the limbs and body through a more optimal pain-free range of motion (proprioception).

Benefits of New Found Strength RPR & Resistance Stretching Sessions:

REDUCTION OF:                             


Muscular tension

Tissue Flexibility & Joint mobility

Chronic pain

Comfortable range of motion

Aching joints

Optimal Effortless Posture

Weakness & imbalance

Performance: Functional and athletic

Anxiety, Stress & tension

Core Strength, Balance, Steadiness

Initial injury Potential

Blood Circulation, Nerve Innervation


Feeling of Well-being, Serenity