Testimonial: From difficult pregnancy and scoliosis to great core strength and able to exercise safely and regularly.

“There’s no cap or anything, I can try anything”. These are the words that are very different than Chanalin was able to say or think about her unstable spine just one year prior.

She had a 25-year history of a bad back and although she’d found decent therapy in the past, they had never told her how to exercise. In fact, they told her not to exercise but that only led to the eventual demise of back condition and her life.

At New Found Strength, she became strong and empowered and learned so much about her body. She learned to loosen tight muscles via Self-Resistance-Stretching, strengthen the weak, handle the rigors of life, how to exercise and tone her body and lose baby-weight. As she said, she is empowered to take her life back!

Chanalin was able to be a physically active part of her family moving to Utah whereas a year ago, she would have watched from the side lines. She can now handle the rigors of her life and a 2-year-old!

Congratulations Chanalin, amazing job.

Testimonial: Sports Performance and chronic pain relief for a surgeon.

An avid golfer and basketball player describes how he returned from chronic lower back pain and neck pain to play the games he loves all due to the Resistance-Stretching at New Found Strength of Temecula. Seven Chiropractors had done nothing for him but at the first session of resistance-stretching he received relief like nothing he thought possible. The results just kept continuing for him which is why he would drive over an hour from the coast only so as to get a session.

Resistance Stretching has continued to make all the difference in the world to his golf and basketball games as every “tweaked” muscle is fixed weekly, he plays better and harder than he has for many years. Combining stretching with the Corrective Exercise Specialty of New Found Strength, he has learned how his movement compensations were robbing him of strength, speed and power. As a movement specialist, Robert Lamb of New Found Strength of Temecula has enabled Dr Mitchell to once again compete at high levels in basketball and Tathata-style golf.

Testimonial: Neuro-Rehab; from a cane to running again.

Anna sustained a TBI from electrocution and lost a noticeable amount of neuromuscular control. She came to New Found Strength for the rehabilitative training to complete what Physical Therapy did not, which was a great deal. A mobility, strength and neuro-redevelopmental program was created and continually adjusted to take her from being fairly dependent to very independent and actually running again. Anna maintained amazing commitment to all of the details and performed all of her Rehab-homework.

As I am “Your Corrective Exercise Specialist of Temecula” I can help you also with your rehabilitation needs once you’re released from PTherapy. Likewise, I am a Soft-Tissue Specialist and have unique training beyond the average personal trainer.

Congratulations to Anna but this wasn’t luck, you work hard and you’ve earned your reward!

Testimonial: Ongoing Rehabilitation

Rich sustained 3 TIA strokes and after PT started training with Rob to continue regaining critical skills that had been impaired.

A well-constructed, intense, and task-oriented skills learning program was created and implemented. Movement patterns had to be relearned or changed for the better and Rich became much sturdier, gained more balance, and increased his physical strength endurance and awareness to not be a fall risk.

Task-oriented training for sitting, standing, and walking were goals for daily activities that were addressed to improve his physical quality of life, maintain independence and prepare for frequent trips abroad.

As of May 2018, Rich has been training with Rob for over 7 years.

Steve is the strongest 70+ year old man I know, but he was one of the tightest too. He does CrossFit at a level that would kill the average 50-year-old so that really requires a lot of mobility that he didn’t have and that was “killing” him.

Steve’s shoulder and hip range of motion has increased dramatically, and his pain levels have dropped dramatically as Resistance-Stretching and the neurological resets from RPR, Reflexive Performance Reset have improved his body. Positive side effects have been that we’ve removed limiting scar tissue from his body and squeezed out the residual pain medications stuck in his tissue from surgeries decades ago. We’ve re-connected him to parts of his body that he literally could not use, and his exercises are much safer for him now.

We’ve also trained him to use his body in a safer but still rigorous CrossFit manner that those trainers will never understand and only continue to hurt the members.

Steve has learned how to improve the functionality of his own body and can maintain it; he is mastering his own body! Wouldn’t you like to say the same thing? Most people have so much dysfunction that they didn’t know about, let alone the pain they come in with that they are amazed to learn this and angry that years of Physical Therapists, MD’s and Chiro’s never showed them or fixed this. You should come in now!

Testimonial: A Mom and a Spartan.

Jody has always worked out and been active but found that she was getting hurt and she needed a safe yet challenging environment to learn and push hard safely. She is a mountain running Spartan, yet has that desk job also. The 6-pack eluded her until she received proper guidance at New Found Strength.

Congrats on that 6-pack Jody!

Testimonial: Learning her body so she can change it.

Chanalin had terrible back issues for 2 decades from difficult pregnancies. This caused her to have to ignore pain signals, but that led to ignoring every signal from her body. She learned how to listen and heal her body.

New Found Strength with Corrective Exercise and Resistance Stretching was the rescue. Chanalin is not only safely stronger with a solid foundation of core strength, but she knows how to safely exercise on her own and protect herself from future injuries.

New Found Strength specializes in the cases where the typical trainer would shy away from taking. Due to ongoing specialized training that absolutely no other trainer in southern California has, I am able to produce more therapeutic results for difficult cases in shorter periods of time than most physical therapists.

Resistance Stretching is a unique and little-known technique which is the most effective method for releasing tension and muscular imbalances in the body. Resistance Stretching is not resistance training. This system produces amazing results.

Pam came to get over 20 years of poor health and a lack of mobility & balance. She used to be miserable, weak, coughing, malnourished with a weak immune system. Since she’s been coming weekly and receiving Resistance-Stretching and RPR (neurological resetting of the body) her world has done a 180 turn!

Pam now is vastly healthier because the energy meridians (immune) were stimulated so the body could be its own medicine. She used to cough75% of the day and now it’s rare because the Lung meridian was stimulated via Resistance Stretching and the diaphragm muscle was neurologically reactivated by RPR.

One of the other “Positive-side-effects” of all the work is that her eyes had itched daily for the five years. After one session to improve her visual acuity which happened, her eyes stopped itching. She has also been able to resolve many lifelong emotional traumas due to this work; her body is the medicine.

She has been able to return to an active lifestyle of gardening and enjoying her whole life, with health, it’s complete.

How much better could your life be?

Testimonial: Post Hip Replacement Training and Mobility.

Melanie is too young to be in pain. After her hip replacement she needed to learn how to move safely to regain her pre-surgery body. At New Found Strength she has regained more mobility than she’s had in 15 years and is moving quickly, safely and with balance and strength. Her surgeon is amazed with her mobility. Resistance Stretching was key to Melanie’s fast improvement.

New Found Strength provides detailed, safe and caring Corrective Exercise for many issues from weak core to knee and hip replacements rehabilitation.

This shows the first time in over 13 years that Melanie has sat cross-legged. Previous tightness made it painfully and physically impossible until she found Resistance – Stretching.

Testimonial: Mobility for a Pain-free Independent life.

Walkyria is 80 and has been with NFS for 4+ years. She has realized that learning to stretch will help her stay pain-free, strong & balanced so that she can continue living an active and independent life.

She routinely has the 1-on-1 Assisted Resistance Stretching sessions to maintain her life as she enjoys it now.

Testimonials from FaceBook:


I walked the best I have in a year and a half today after my appointment with Robert Dean Lamb. Going to take videos to compare. It almost felt familiar to a regular ol’ walk, as if the ground stopped rolling around under my feet. Thank you Robert Dean Lamb.

(see the video above)

Nov 14, 2016: DEBBE McCALL

I travel 100,000+ miles per year attending medical conferences that last 12-16 hours as a patient advocate and researcher in heart health. Chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture would get me out of pain after each trip but there wasn’t a way to stay that way. I’ve done Pilates for years and even put down the chunk of change for Egoscue. They helped…a little yet were not adaptive or easy to take on the road. I really thought I needed physical therapy.

I’m not looking for strength training or weight loss. I wanted to be able to schlep my carry-on, hoist it into the overhead, sit through hours of lectures while live tweeting (talk about repetitive motion!) and not have to decide every night between sleeping in a warm bath or pain meds. I wanted to feel 40 again, not almost 60.

I was skeptical of ARS; Assisted Resistance Stretching because it’s little known in the mainstream. But if you don’t try new things, you don’t learn. The plan was twice a week sessions during the one month in the summer I don’t travel. It was a little time and money to invest. I had a session and was giving relatively easy homework exercises: Inchworms? Crawling? Calf stretches? Really? I faithfully did my homework. I saw improvement.

The first test was when I returned to my travel schedule. With a collapsible foam roller, lacrosse balls and a hotel towel, I was able to replicate what I had been taught. After each trip, I was less sore, and Robert Dean Lamb adapted my homework as my needs changed. I continue to do reformer Pilates when I’m home for strength, but ARS/PNF is something I can take on the road, do in a hotel room and not ponder pain med options.

The real test was when I had an AFib (atrial fibrillation) event for 6 hours. As a side effect of this potentially deadly arrhythmia, I will curl up in a protective stance because of the pain and fear of the symptoms. In the past, it was usually a 1:2 ratio of 1 hour of AFib = 2 hours of recovery. I called to cancel my session with Robert Dean Lamb yet he said, ‘Come in. I can help.’ I was ready to bolt at the first hint of pain. Slowly, carefully, gently, he was able to relax my arms, shoulders, and chest muscles without pain. Instead of 12 hours of recovery, it was 4. If I had gone to him immediately after the AFib event, I’m confident it would have been less. I have since recommended ARS and PNF to members on my AFib support forum with great success.

One other thing to note is that I take blood thinners to reduce my risk of a devastating AFib stroke. Not once have I bruised or had torn skin because of Robert Dean Lamb’s treatments.

For those who are healthcare clinicians, this is a great adjunct to any wellness program you recommend to patients. It is for all activity types and ages and, most important, may help prevent those injuries requiring physical therapy.

For those who are healthcare clinicians, this is a great adjunct to any wellness program you recommend to patients. It is for all activity types and ages and, most important, may help prevent those injuries requiring physical therapy.


I’m so glad I found such a competent corrective exercise specialist! You’re great at what you do Robert Dean Lamb at New Found Strength, Fitness & Nutrition, and your incredible skill, knowledge and motivation has changed my life! Thank you! (see the video above)


The 9 benefits of Corrective Exercise are exactly what I have experienced going to Robert Dean Lamb at New Found Strength, Fitness & Nutrition. I really feel like a new person after a year of training! Thank you, Rob, for your dedication and patience.

May 21, 2017 about Corrective Exercise of New Found Strength F & N: MABY MONTANO

Can I say ditto ditto ditto to what Melanie and Jolene said (above)!? But really having chronic illness like I do struggling for 14 years and then I met Robert Dean Lamb! I’m so over the top excited to share my gained mobility in just working with him for a little over a year now. Everyone needs a Robert Dean Lamb in their lives! Highly recommend!

Here is the link to this post.

May 22, 2017: ANNA VILLA

Rob is well versed in this (Corrective Exercise) specialty. He has added miles to my walk and given stability to me when life itself was kicking my butt. He is thorough with his explanations. Flexibility, narrowing in on a problem area, resolving that problem area, balance, and pain reduction are a few ways this has directly affected me in a positive way.

Here is the link to this post.

Mother of young athlete client – April Gilbert:

Thank you for all the great information, we’ve never had a trainer that kept us so informed on training and nutrition. I hope this is going to be a great experience for all of us. …we have had lots of trainers and never did one of them take this much interest. Thank you.

Here is the link to this post.

“As a matter of fact, I have the absolute best and most educated trainer in the world, Mr. Rob Lamb. LOL, couldn’t have done it without him!” Jackie Bailey

Healthy-Weight-Gain Story

“With the help of New Found Strength. Rob has helped me gain weight. I was down to 91 lbs. My energy level was
nonexistent! I’ve followed the menu plans that were made for me. I’m very excited to say I’ve gained 10 lbs. and my energy
level has greatly improved. I look forward to maintaining this weight and gaining more. Thanks for all the help.”

Mary Mendenhall
On-Line Client from Illinois; Results can happen anywhere.