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Fascial System


The Fascial System


Many people complain of pain and health issues but are often unaware that a lot of these stem from problems with the fascial system.  The fascia, of late, is a hot buzzword in the health and fitness industries.  But what is it, really?  How does it affect the body and its functions?   Why is it important to consider in your overall health?


Fascia, in Latin, means band or bandage. It is also called connective tissue.  In as early as two weeks after conception, the fascial system develops as a 3 dimensional web.  It is made up of collagen and elastin fibers surrounded by a gel-like material.  Collagen gives fascia its strength while elastin fibers, extensibility and resilience.


As the fetus develops, muscles, bones and organs are formed within this web.  The fascia provides the framework for the entire body.  It helps support, as well as, protect organs, muscle groups and essentially the entire body as a unit.

Fascial System Details

The fascial system consists of three layers of connective tissue that move and glide over one another.  The three layers are:


  1. Superficial fascia. This is the loose, fibrous layer found under the skin.  It also envelops organs, glands, nerves and blood vessels.  


   2. Deep fascia.  In contrast to the superficial fascia, the deep fascia is dense and fibrous tissue.  It not only envelops but penetrates deep into muscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels.   


Part of the deep fascia are the fascicles, tissue compartments that divide up groups of muscles.  This deep layer of fascia also includes:

    • Tendons that connect muscles to bone

    • Ligaments that connect bone to bone

    • Joint capsules that surround the joints

    • Aponeurosis that are layers of broad flat tendons


     3.  Visceral Fascia.  This layer keeps the various organs in their cavities, groups them

     into substructures and protects each organ by surrounding it in 2 layers of connective



In summary, the fascial system intertwines through every part of the body.

The Fascial System and Kinetic Chain

The fascia, however, is more than a connective element through the body and its organs.  It plays an important, supportive role in the kinetic chain and how the body moves.  


The Kinetic chain is a system composed of the nerves, muscles, bones and of course, connective tissues or fascia.  In a kinetic chain, movement at one part produces or affects movement at another part in the kinetic link.


The fascial system makes it possible for a person to perform activities from something as simple as sitting to standing, to being able to engage in sports or play a musical instrument.  


What is amazing about the fascia and the fascial system is that it is not a system composed of separate coverings.  It is one continuous form enveloping the entire body without breaks.


What does this mean?  It means that each part of the body is connected to every other part.   


Perhaps an interesting analogy is this - it’s like the yarn in a sweater.  If you tug at one part of the sweater, you feel it in the other parts of the sweater.

kinetic chain sweater unraveling

Each Part of the Body Is Connected To Every Other Part


In plain language, this means that because the fascial system connects body parts to each other; one cannot have something happen to one part and not feel its effect on some other part of the body.


If a person experiences a fascial distortion or adhesion due to abuse, overuse, neglect or accident, it can cause a change in the kinetic chain.  The manifestations of this can include poor blood flow, weaker nerve impulses, limited flexibility and range of motion, pain, and a host of other physical ailments.


Understanding the fascia and its role in the kinetic chain enables us to effectively treat pain and other ailments.  By identifying the source of dysfunction within the kinetic chain, it is possible to treat the source of pain and prevent symptoms from reoccurring.

Why It Is Important To You

Fascial adhesions are more common than most would expect, you might call it by another name, muscle-knot.  They are so common that in 2015, $15 Billion was spent on massage therapy.  This means that millions of people have issues with their fascia.


Everyone can benefit by knowing how to perform some basic techniques to maintain their own fascia.   Anyone can learn these techniques.  Some of them are; Self-Myofascial-Release (SMR), Self-Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) and Resistance Stretching (RFST).

If your goals are to maintain optimal health, your fascial system should be considered.  Let me help you understand how this intriguing system could be the answer you need.


If you have questions about how I might be able to help you, please reach out to me.  

Better yet, schedule a free consult now.


Call me, Your Corrective Exercise Specialist of Temecula, today to be Pain Free now at 951-901-8348.



Tags: fascial system, corrective exercise, pain free fitness, personal trainer, kinetic chain, fascia, flexibility, mobility, resistance stretching

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