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Resistance Stretching To Be Pain Free


Informative Blog Articles on Fitness, Health, and Nutrition

The Difference Between Flexibility and Mobility

Fitness experts use the term “flexibility” to refer to the total passive & available range of motion (ROM) around a joint.  However, flexibility does not necessarily translate to moving well.  


We use “mobility” to express how well you can express-strength; move yourself through the appropriate functional range of motion for a joint within any given movement pattern.  So, in more common everyday language, mobility refers to moving well.  


There is a big difference between someone raising your leg over your head and you being able to use your own leg and abdominal muscles to easily and comfortably raise your own leg over your head.  Read More

More About Flexibility and Mobility 

As you recall from the previous article, mobility is the moving well part of the equation. Mobility allows us to move freely without stress on the joints of the body.  Mobility speaks to the expression of movement.


More specifically, how well you can express-strength through movement; do you struggle to sit and stand or is it effortless.  


Joint mobility is dependent on flexibility; the quality of our tissue within the muscles. Flexibility refers to the suppleness and efficiency of your muscle tissue and mobility refers to the joint’s actual ability to have uninhibited movement.


It’s important to be mobile at any age. The aging process naturally takes its toll on the body, so it is important that we work to combat this.  Read More

Resistance Stretching And Why It Works 

Resistance Stretching is the most effective and efficient stretching technique in the world. It will improve health and overall body function.


We often underestimate the importance of stretching. But incorporating stretching, not just into your daily workout,  but into your day’s routine, does wonders for your health, body functioning, and even your outlook on life.


Proper stretching is important for flexibility, range of (joint) motion and injury prevention.  It relaxes body muscles, reduces anxiety, removes internal scar tissue, breaks down excessive layers of Fascia, and it improves the circulation of blood and nutrients to your cartilage and muscles.


However, it is a rare occurrence that a person is actually stretching effective and efficiently. ​Read More

Pain Free Training

Pain Free Training

All too often, the “no pain, no gain” mentality of going hard at the gym can get in the way of real progress in a person’s training regimen.  The fact is, this philosophy could likely lead to injuries.  


Why is it then that we rarely see a young person get injured with “no pain, no gain”?  When we’re young (under 30 years) the body has enormous abilities to bounce back and recover.  But all wear and tear will catch up to everyone.


No pain, no gain mentality is a long term gamble for serious traumatic injury and if you incur pain while working out, you are definitely accumulating damage. Read More.

Corrective Exercise Pain Free Training

Corrective Exercise Pain Free Training

Corrective exercise is a group of techniques designed to make changes in the way an individual moves that re-establishes muscle balance on both sides of every joint for the sake of optimal posture.  


Simply put, this system targets and corrects a problem seen in a person’s movement and posture.  The ultimate goal is to restore balance, posture and the elimination of pain.


After many movement screening tests and I understand how your body moves as well as your goals and needs, I create a program of flexibility, mobility and exercises that correct deficits. There is no one-size fits all.  Just because something is popular and works for some people on YouTube, it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing for everyone.  You will have a unique program. Read More.

Fascial System

Fascial System

Many people complain of pain and health issues but are often unaware that a lot of these stem from problems with the fascial system.  The fascia, of late, is a hot buzzword in the health and fitness industries.  But what is it, really?  How does it affect the body and its functions?   Why is it important to consider in your overall health?

Fascia, in Latin, means band or bandage. It is also called connective tissue.  In as early as two weeks after conception, the fascial system develops as a 3 dimensional web.  It is made up of collagen and elastin fibers surrounded by a gel-like material.  Collagen gives fascia its strength while elastin fibers, extensibility and resilience. Read More.


Fot and Ankle Pain

Some Foot Facts


Before we get into the details of foot and ankle pain, let’s take a look at our feet in general. Our feet bear the brunt of our weight with each step we take.  Most of the time, we take them for granted and often they suffer abuse with much pounding, pressure and at times, ill-fitting shoes.   


Normally, our feet perform without problems; until they give out one day and we come to a painful realization - our feet and ankles have “broken down”. Read More.


Fot and Ankle Pain

There’s one aspect of training that I feel never gets enough attention and that’s recovery.  Recovery is rarely thought of or asked about within all the questions that come up about fitness and exercise.  Another name I like to use for recovery is Balance.  


The balance is between breaking down your muscles during exercise or activity and the time, energy and methods employed to ensure your tissue heals.

Far too often, we focus on doing more, more, more, because we know we are sitting a lot otherwise.  Where is the balance in between running, or more, more, more and sitting?  Let’s talk about this for a minute because it’s actually very important. Read More.

Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom Salt Bath

Why Use Epsom Salt?


Using Epsom salt via taking a bath is a great way to improve your recovery from hard bouts of physical activity as well as long hours of sitting in chairs.  


We’ve all heard of having a “Life-Work” balance, but what we don’t hear much is that you also need to have a “Work out-Recovery” balance.  What’s that?  Well, work outs or any hard physical activity takes a toll on our body. Read More.

Myofascial Restriction and Myofascial Release

Epsom Salt Bath

In a previous article, we talked about the fascia, also known as myofascia, and how it forms a continuous web that surrounds and connects the body’s muscles, vessels, nerves and organs.  The fascia allows our muscles to move freely and slide against each other throughout their range of motion.

In its normal, healthy state, the fascia is relaxed, supple and hydrated.  However, it can get damaged and become restricted and inflexible.  In this state, the fascia becomes more rigid and less pliable, and can create adverse and unwanted tensile pressures of up to approximately 2,000 lbs. per square inch and affect adjacent parts of the body. Read More

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